About the company:

Trainity is an ed-tech company that provides education through webinars and cohorts on topics such as data analytics and more. They collaborate with industry experts to build intensive programs that offer real work experience and help you land a job.


Time Duration

Personal Project

4 days

Project background:

This project was a part of my internship assignment at Trainity


The current onboarding of Trainity needs to be retaining users and users face several problems in completing the onboarding process of the website


The objective is to create a simpler, more user-friendly interface with better flow than the existing one. This will allow the company to retain users and increase revenue. Additionally, users should have no difficulty in selecting the appropriate webinars and cohorts for their needs.


Potential customers, partners, investors, and students who want to learn and explore the courses

Success criteria

The redesign of the onboarding flow should increase customer engagement and should provide them with an easy way to enroll in webinars.

Issues with the current design: