Calendar Application

Acme is a fast-growing company that is adding employees and workspace at a very fast pace. They are doubling every year both in terms of employees and workspace. Given a highly collaborative environment, employees need to schedule a large number of meetings ranging from 1:1s to large brainstorming sessions. Come up with a design solution for employees to schedule meetings and book a meeting room for the purpose.

Things to consider

Problem Statement:

After covid offices went offline and so does meetings, so when scheduling a meeting it’s difficult to schedule it and inform all the participants along with this it is also difficult to book a room in the building considering that someone already booked that room in the same time slot. To overcome these challenges I am coming up with a design solution to schedule meetings and book a meeting room for the purpose, using an app.


Before I started designing the app, I circulated a form to conduct a research among the working professionals and the results are as follows:


